Chef's Blog

Wedding Catering Advice for a Bride & Groom

Published July 5th, 2019 by Chef's Catering

Catering a wedding is a big deal, comprising a host of decisions great and small. To that end, it's not surprising when the bride and groom start to feel overwhelmed. 

The good news is that a little solid wedding catering advice can make things feel more manageable. In this article, we'll explore three common questions Chef's Catering gets from those about to cater a wedding. Feel free to read, enjoy and walk away worrying less about your big day!

How Do We Figure Out Our Wedding Catering Budget?

The more you include, the more your cost will go up. How you figure out your wedding catering budget will largely depend on how much money you have to spend and what's important to you. Include the most important aspects in your budget first and then work out from there. Will food be the main show or the atmosphere you create like your choice of venue, decorations, live music or a hired photographer? There's really no right or wrong answer here and the choice is up to you!

How Do We Choose the Right Venue for Our Catered Wedding?

Choosing the proper venue for your catered wedding will come down to weighing the pros and cons of each one you're interested in. If you research several possibilities, you'll likely have your answer. Here are some important considerations when choosing a venue.

  • Guest count
  • Location
  • Venue availability
  • Convenient parking
  • Condition of the venue
  • Checking online reviews (if available)
  • Cost

If you have a lot of traveling guests, it's possible you could have your event catered right at their hotel. That could be a great way to honor your committed guests by making things more convenient for them. Also, if you plan to have your catered wedding event at a mansion, keep in mind that mansion venues are typically broken up into rooms. Are you fine with having everything take place in one room or will you want a bit more breathing room?

How Do We Decide on the Type of Food and Theme for Our Catering?

When you envision your perfectly catered wedding, what does it look like? Let it be an expression of you and your significant other. Do you envision something upscale, casual or just plain fun? Of course, once you make that choice, you'll need to discuss how to fit those preferences into your budget. For instance, buffet attendants are generally cheaper to hire than station chefs. You'll also want to factor in the cost of having a seated meal if that's what you're after.

Could You Use Some Help With Your Wedding Catering?

If you're looking for wedding catering in Rochester, NY or the surrounding region, Chef's Catering can help. Hiring a caterer is a great way to ensure you and your guests maximize their enjoyment on your special day. Do you have additional questions for us? Feel free to contact us to learn more.

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